This is parts of an article which appeared in the Times & Transcript journal, July 15, 2000

Irish contribution chiseled in stone

Bearing 300 names of Irish families, a new Celtic cross graces Moncton`s waterfront

The 12-foot Celtic croos known as the Irish Families` Memorial symbolizes the Irish people`s faith as they struggled against adversity. Some 38 per cent of New Brunswickers have Irish roots, but the story of the contribution to the province has largely been untold.

Saint John and Québec city were the major ports of entry into Canada in the pre-1850s when many of the Irish immigrants arrived in the New England states, particularly the Boston area.Along with significant Irish immigration to Saint John and the Miramichi, the newcomers settled in the Metro Moncton region as well as in the nearby areas such as New Ireland in Albert County, Irishtown, McQuades, O`Neill`s and Melrose. Their numbers were great: it is estimated that the Irish made up as much as half the province at that time, working in the shipbuilding, timber and other trades associated with building the infra-structure of New Brunswick.

The cross was erected yesterday (July 14,2000) in th e Riverfront Park. The monument consists of four irregularly-shaped stones representing the four provinces of Ireland -Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connaught - while also loosely modeling the Celtic dolmens. These mythical grave markers are located throughout Irelandand an integral part of the pre-Christian history. Some 300 names of Irish who made a contribution are carved in Moncton`s stone monument.

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