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Lost Family/Famille Séparée

This page is dedicated to LUCIEN BERNARD, born in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
He was raised in Acadieville, New-Brunswick and now lives in Waltham Massachussetts, U.S.A.

This is his story

Lucien was only weeks old when he was left by his parents with the family of Jean-Baptiste and Lucie Daigle in Acadieville, with the understanding that they would return for him the following day.

When he was 6 years old, Lucien learned that Jean-Baptiste and Lucie were not his parents. His parents, Alfred(Freddie) Bernard and Imelda St-Onge, lived in East-Montreal and had left him with friends in Acadieville.

All his life Lucien hoped to find out more about his family. He was able to trace his Baptism Certificate in Montreal,(possibly Saint-Jean-Baptiste parish) and here he also was led to beleive that he had a brother and a sister (maybe more).(One sister had passed away when she was quite young, in Quebec).

Lucien is now 72 years of age and is more eager than ever to trace his family.

Alfred and Imelda may have stopped over in the Miramichi area in New-Brunswick, and this leads us to ponder the possibility that they might have left another offspring there.

Please email me Zella Layden if you have any information on this matter.

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