Pointe Sapin
Pointe Sapin, my native village, lies on the beautiful Northumberland Strait. The main
commercial activity is fishing. From early spring to late fall there is a flurry of activity
as one fishing season gives way to the next; from herring to lobster, to scallop to
This pretty seaside village attracts many tourists during the summer months who come
to take advantage of the fishers festival, the spring and fall lobster suppers and its beautiful
During all these activities, the people of Pointe Sapin like to decorate their properties.
This parish, founded in 1860 was first settled by Joe Guimond and his wife Josette Dionne,
but they didn`t stay long and returned to the Escuminac area.
But soon, other families would follow:
Pierre-Ignace ROBICHAUD,son of Pierre and Anne MICHEL, married to Marguerite-Blanche
RICHARD, daughter of François and Marie DAIGLE.
his son, Luc maried to Marguerite PETITPAS, daughter of Joseph-Michel and
Madeleine DOWNEY.
Michel RICHARD, son of François and Marie DAIGLE, 1st married to Françoise ROBICHAUD,
daughter of Michel and Marguerite-Françoise LANDRY; 2nd married to Elizabeth RICHARD,
daughter of Louis and Anne BABINEAU.
Fabien DAIGLE, son of Fabien and Marie-Rose ROBICHAUD, married to Marguerite BBABIN,
daughter of Thomas and Marie RICHARD.
his brother Jacques DAIGLE, married to Marguerite DAIGLE, daughter of François-
Joseph and Marie-Blanche LEGER
Olivier and Jean-Louis DAIGLE, son of Olivier
Joseph ROBICHAUD, son of Joseph-Servan and Marguerite-Pélagie BOURG, married to
Anne PETITPAS, daughter of Joseph-Michel and Madeleine DOWNEY (My ancestor)
Today Pointe Sapin has around 200 families, a vibrant and progressive village spurred on by
the sucess of its fishing community!

Many thanks to my brother, Norman Robichaud, for his informations!
Norman, lives in Pointe Sapin and is a very knowledgable researcher in genealogy.
Saint-Louis-de-Kent is one of the larger villages of Kent County. It is an Acadian village
where Mgr.Marcel François Richard was born, the person most responsable for the founding
of Acadieville and Rogersville. Most of the settlers of Acadieville came from Saint-Louis.
CYRIAC DAIGLE, in his book "Histoire de Saint-Louis" states that in 1796, Jean Babineau
and his son Joseph first visited the Saint-Louis area and found that three english families
has already settled there; They were Charles Jamieson, Samuel Jamieson and Christopher
Dignan. These families however left the area two years later.
In 1797, Joseph Babineau returned to settle here with his family, his mother Anne Bastarache
(widow) his brother Thaddée and two of his unmarried sisters.
Other settlers soon came to join them.
From the Gaspé area:
Charles-Olivier and Moïse BARIAULT
Simon et Pierre HENRI
Grégoire HENRI
Pierre HENRI
Fréderic MAILLET
From Nipisiguit:
Mathurin THÉBEAU, his son Etienne
From Richibouctou:
Charles VAUTOURr
From Saint-Pierre and Miquelon:
Jacques NOWLAN
Cyrille COMEAU
Rogersville our neighbouring village, is situated on the Kent-Northumberland border,
on route 126. It is an Acadian village that celebrates many acadian activitìes. It has been
over the years an important religious center for the acadian community. It is the home
of the Acadians National Monument and each year attracts numerous acadians from
Also the trappist monks and the trappistine sisters have established monasteries here.
Rogersville owes its beginnings to the coming of the intercolonial railway. Around 1869,
a group of ten men arrived at Carleton (now Rogersville) to build the railroad. These men
also cleared lands, settled and became the original inhabitants of Rogersville.
According to DONALD CORMIER, in his booklet "Paroisse St-François-de-Sales" these
men were:
Michel SAVOIE, in charge,
Cyprien and Alexis GOGUEN
Armand CYR
Thomas and Mélème LEBLANC
Thomas HÉBERT, son fils Pierre
Sylvain ALLAIN
Soon, other settlers followed;
Théophile LAVOIE, first farmer of the region,
Augustin LAVOIE
Israël ROY
Augustin RICHARD
Abraham and Honoré BOURQUE
These men had to work their lands after their day`s work on the railroad
In 1887, Mgr Marcel François Richard was named parish priest in charge of Rogersville.
Mgr Richard knew this new colony well, because from 1869-1887 it was a mission of
Saint-Louis-de-Kent, his native village and his former parish.
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